Greenthumb industries

Greenthumb industries is based on Tony Rinaudo’s method of FMNR (Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration), which is the management of existing tree stumps and roots that still grow belowground in degraded landscapes. With carefully crafted methodology, tree populations can be regenerated without major financial costs. Greenthumb provides consultancy services to evaluate whether your land has below-ground old trees that are presenting as weeds at surface level, can provide training for locals to cultivate the trees and manage them, and can demonstrate multiple approaches to trees (grow for structural timbers; grow for fire kindling; grow for animal foliage food or grow for shade/climate amelioration/aesthetics. Whilst kindling for fires is not appropriate for developed or urban settings, it has been useful in remote and poor communities. Climate/shade-making is its most typical urban application. For more information, visit