EcoTechSolutions Inc (ETSi) originated in the USA as Earth Observations Technical Solutions but has its highest profile in the UK where it has expanded its remit. It now handles the wider variety of automation, technical solutions, communications satellite data and Artificial Intelligence that inform the design of cities and communities on Earth, particularly in the UK and the Commonwealth. With the rise in the availability of earth observation data, EcoTechSolutions developed a specialism in advising city planners about ways to monitor trends affecting their communities. In the UK, their specialism has been important because of the close proximity of rural agricultural activity to most major and medium-sized urban areas (unlike the USA where much larger agricultural areas can be a long way from urban areas). EcoTechSolution’s specialism is seeing the wider picture beyond the boundaries of the local government area which commissions their work but also being able to look at impacts at a quite detailed level. As designers, EcoTechSolutions has strong relationships with AI firms specialising in the interpretation of earth observation data and it keeps a keen eye on weather systems. EcoTechSolutions has a dedicated department that looks for new computer science and automation that can assist designers, town planners, developers and evaluators of environmental impact.